Phonetic / Military Alphabet
Ever want to know the full alphabet like they use on CB radio ?
Here's a brief lesson in what is called the phonetic alphabet and what our fathers
called "military alphabet"
A - Alpha
B - Bravo
C - Charlie
D - Delta
E - Echo
F - Foxtrot
G - Golf |
H - Hotel
I - India
J - Juliet
K - Kilo
L - Lima
M - Mike
N - November |
O - Oscar
P - Papa
Q - Quebec
R - Romeo
S - Sierra
T - Tango
U - Uniform |
V - Victor
W - Whiskey
X - X-ray
Y - Yankee
Z - Zulu |
Now you can study this - we will test you next time!!
Thanks to Sonia Antoun, of Going Somewhere ? - Pennant Hills Travel.
Page created - 27 December, 1998. Page last updated - 14 August, 2006 15:08:46 +1000