Internet for the Layman

includes some cool locations

Information collated from a series of articles by William West in the Catholic Weekly (Australian)

References of volume, issue and date provided

Prepared and maintained by Larry Czarnik
Errors and exceptions omitted, but please mail any suggested corrections and improvements to
Format change - Since the Hyperlink displays the WWW address when touched, there is no reason to include the WWW address as text on this page. All items that include a Hyperlink have been adjusted. Larry, 95JN14.

Last updated - 17 Oct 2002 04:25:00 +1000.  Previous updates - 95JN14, 99MR23.

Caution !  Some links no longer valid and marked with Road Closed Ahead

bullet1) Catholic Weekly V53#3028 94NV09
bulleta) Next Online - Service by Rolling Stone mag publishers w/ music & video tracks online.
bulletb) Catholic Uni of America - databank with full text papal encyclicals & info on religious orders & other church bodies.
bulletc) CRnet - Catholic Resource Network includes on-line Catholic encyclopedia.
bulletd) Internet Yellow pages - 450 pgs of Internet addresses.
bullet2) Catholic Weekly V53#3029 94NV16
bulleta) Ozemail browser = Terrazzo from #3034) - Dialix - Next Online - Magnadata ( from #3032)- Microplex - Pegasus - (Microsoft in future w/ Windows 95 & Microsoft Internet Connection from #3034).
bulletb) The author of the Catholic Weekly articles - William West - feel free to contact by E-mail.
bullet3) Catholic Weekly V53#3030 94NV23
bulleta) Ozemail online rego if own comms s/w and discount if mention CW.
bulletb) Email - Telnet - Anonymous FTP - Archie - WAIS - Gopher - WWW.
bulletc) Vatican Exhibition has inline .gif pointing to jpg (JPEG 100-400KB each) (from #3032)
bulletd) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Time Magazine
bullete) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !The Louvre (Main)
bulletf) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !The Louvre & classical music (from #3033)
bulletg) Satellite weather maps of Australia
bulleth) Palo Alto Weekly 1st US online using WWW
bulleti) (Guide to Paris's Museums - cafe's - etc. - no address given)
bullet4) Catholic Weekly V53#3031 94NV30
bulleta) Electronic Newsstand (Gopher) = USA Today - The Economist.
bulletb) Unnamed service provides The New Republic - The New Yorker
bulletc) Commercial News Service includes The Gate = San Francisco Chronicle & SF Examiner.
bulletd) Others - Daily News Online (Halifax) & The Detroit Free Press & GT Online (Colorado) & Gazeta On-line (Gazeta Wyborcza - Warsaw) & St Petersburg Press (Russia).
bullete) Clarinet services (clari) on many subjects
bulletf) Nexus gives AAP database access to stories from past 2 years up to last 24 hours.
bulletg) Sydney Morning Herald is qtrly on CDROM & daily online through Reuters.
bullet5) Catholic Weekly V53#3032 94DC07
bulleta) NON-NET RELATED - The Threshold of Hope - John Paul II & Jonathan Cape - London 94 - hc 224pp $19.95.
bulletb) NON-NET RELATED - Prayers and devotions from Pope John Paul II - Viking/Penguin hc 466pp $19.95.
bulletc) Lynx = text only for WWW w/ return on word image option to save to local file (to host then copy to PC need local view s/w).
bulletd) Netscape uses PPP (Point to Point) or SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol).
bullete) Chameleon has image access while on line.
bullet6) Catholic Weekly V53#3033 94DC14 (was to be last of 6 re: Info Superhighway)
bulleta) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Fine Art Forum Online
bulletb) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !The Gallery contains graphics & 3D images LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help.
bulletc) Australian National Uni - Art history LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help.
bulletd) ArtSource on art & architecture & points to many others.
bullete) (Uni Syd Fisher Library Telnet address - use - login - user-id - library2 - pwd - RETURN & Welcome - RETURN for library catalogue service - w/ search ability).
bullet7) Catholic Weekly V53#3034 94DC21
bulleta) Modems = Avtec - Maestro - Banksia - Netcomm AutoModem E11f 28.8 $650.
bulletb) Browser built into Warp (OS/2).
bulletc) W West there is a Font Size = 2 as default in netscape.ini vs IBM supposed better.
bullet8) Catholic Weekly V53#3035 94DC28 (no Info Superhighway article).
bullet9) Catholic Weekly V54#3036 95JA04
bulleta) NON-NET RELATED - Bank charges hit poor.
bulletb) NON-NET RELATED - Pope John Paul II as Time magazine Man of the Year 1994.
bulletc) Best to find what's new on WWW and archive pointers
bulletd) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !PC Week mag full text + Rumour Central LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help.
bullete) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Dinosaurs at Uni IL LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help.
bulletf) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Society of Women Engineers NY LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help.
bulletg) Forrest Gump page !
bulleth) Elfmaster North Pole, State of Peace, Artic
bulleti) Was "", new address = Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Workshop of North Pole Productions Ottawa Ontario Canada, with mail to
bulletj) London Daily Telegraph
bullet10) Catholic Weekly V54#3037 95JA11 (MacKillop special, no Info Superhighway references)
bullet11) Catholic Weekly V54#3038 95JA18
bulleta) Recap of previous articles and some comments on developments for 1995
bullet12) Catholic Weekly V54#3039 95JA25 (Papal visit review, no Info Superhighway references)
bullet13) Catholic Weekly V54#3040 95FB05
bulleta) Ausnet - Instant Internet Access - Disk at Newsagents $9.95 (not where STD charges apply) 02 241-5888 $40 reg, $40/mo for 1 hour per day (=$1.30/hour) more hours at $10/hr
bulletb) Geko.Com - $30/mo 20MB download, more at $1/MB (if not more than 1MB download/hour effective rate = > $1.00/hr 02 968-4333.
bulletc) Magnadata 02 264-7326 $40/mo includes 20MB of download and no online time limit, good support.
bulletd) Oz-Email $8.00/hr biz hours, $5.00/hr after 6pm 02 437-5500, good support.
bullete) Nexus text only for schools limit 2400 bps $6.00/hr peak + Austpac (about $6.00/hr), off peak $8/hr for each, 08 243-5606.
bulletf) Pegasus $95 rego, $25/mo includes 2hrs access, more at $6.00hr, Austpac available, specials for schools, 008 81-2812.
bulletg) Dialix $0 reg, $0.60/hr, $0.01/KB download, text only, needs Unix knowledge, sluggish 02 948-6995.
bulleth) Microplex text = $0.65/hr, full Internet = $3.50/hr 02 888-3685.
bullet14) Catholic Weekly V54#3041 95FB12
bulleta) Modems 28,800 $499, 14,400 $299, 9600 as for 14,400.
bulletb) Modem Super Store, Concord 02 743-1144 (corrected from #3044), Mark Kofahl - Director of Marketing
bulletc) vs V.34, compression, error correction, speed vs needs.
bullet15) Catholic Weekly V54#3042 95FB19
bulleta) NON-NET RELATED - Double exposure picture of MacKillop ceremonies by Kevin Fitzpatrick.
bulletb) NY Times, Wall Street Journal, London Daily Telegraph LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help.
bulletc) Reference duplicated in #3032 item (c) that lists popular newspapers and magazines.
bulletd) Multimedia Newsstand
bullete) Transactions using credit cards not secure.
bulletf) The Tech Classics Archive source of many books including Christian books in electronic format.
bulletg) Macmillan USA Information Superlibrary - no web reference.
bulleth) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Disability Mall
bulleti) Alzheimer's Disease
bulletj) 96 Summer Olympics merchandise LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help.
bulletk) Free online dictionary of computing
bulletl) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Phoenix Police Department Silent Witness Program
bullet16) Catholic Weekly V54#3043 95FB26 (MacKillop souvenir edition - no Info Superhighway references).
bullet17) Catholic Weekly V54#3044 95MR05
bulleta) Joint Venture - Reed Books & Oz-Email (Ednet) Discussion of Abortion with bookmarks to both pro-life and pro-abortion discussions and online version of Pope Paul VI's encyclical Humanae Vitae.
bulletb) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Lifelinks LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help.
bulletc) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Prolife news LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help.
bullet18) Catholic Weekly V54#3045 95MR12 (No Info Superhighway references).
bullet19) Catholic Weekly V54#3046 95MR19
bulleta) European Particle Physics Laboratory (WWW developers) - Was "" now = Virtual Library - CERN (surprising to find lots of novel & non-fiction by Catholic writers and official Church documents).
bulletb) Soon US Catholic Resource Network (CRnet).
bulletc) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !For searching
bulletd) Mail to author of Catholic Weekly article - William West -
bullet20) Catholic Weekly V54#3047 95MR26
bulleta) Program to restrict users to certain destinations on Internet (mainly to avoid pornography) - refer Ednet / Ozemail.
bulletb) Use common sense as you would vet use of TV.
bulletc) Best is to give young the sort of formation that will help them use their freedom wisely.
bulletd) Cost vs benefits, widening the gap between rich and poor.
bullet21) Catholic Weekly V54#3048 95AP02
bulleta) US govt service - Education Research Information Centre (ERIC) - no WWW reference quoted.
bulletb) Reference duplicated in #3046 item (c) net searching
bullet22) Catholic Weekly V54#3049 95AP09
bulleta) Pope John Paul II's 194 pg encyclical - Evanelium Vitea (The Gospel of Life) - sent to bishops in Europe & S America via electronic mail on 30 March.
bulletb) Discussion of Publishing on the Internet, PPP/SLIP.
bulletc) WWW links - behind each highlighted word is a http:// address.
bulletd) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Time Magazine Australia LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help, but also check reference of USA link - #3030 (d).
bullete) HTML - Hypertext Mark-up Language.
bulletf) HTML commands written between "<" and ">", eg. letter "I" = italics and put in front of word or words, with </I> to turn off, for bold type, hr for insert line, H1, H2, H3 or H4 for headlines of different sizes, images in ".gif" or ".jpeg" inserted with G SRC=filename.
bulletg) Start at Caution - Road Closed Ahead !HTML WP addons LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help.
bulleth) WWW browsers need file extension .html to read as hypertext.
bulleti) Embedding a location - HREF=document name/A, eg. with file called timet.html, HREF="timet.html"School Timetable/A or if in school subdirectory HREF="school/timet.html"School Timetable/A.
bullet23) Catholic Weekly V54#3050 95AP16
bulleta) NON-NET RELATED - Video "A Celebration of Mass" Pope John Paul II in various locations, Martin & Rosenthal Pictures P/L 03 699-6990, Fax 03 699-2205.
bulletb) Is Internet same as Email ? - No.
bulletc) CompuServe - 1 800 025-240.
bulletd) Off Line Email readers - PC Eudora, public domain.
bullete) Anonymous FTP = anonymous at login with Email address at password. When @ in middle, it is an Email address.
bulletf) Catholic Christianity - list =, subscription =
bulletg) Catholic Doctrine - list =, subscription =
bulleth) Catholic Evangelism - list =, subscription =
bulleti) Catholicism - AnonymousFTP: Path:/Library/Religion/Catholic/*, Gopher: Name: Internet Wiretap Address: Choose:Wiretap Online Library | Religion | Catholic.
bullet24) Catholic Weekly V54#3051 95AP23
bulleta) The Australian Observer magazine.
bulletb) Reference duplicated in #3044 item (a) for Reed Books.
bulletc) Catalogue of Electronic Texts
bulletd) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Virtual Online University LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help.
bullet25) Catholic Weekly V54#3052 95AP30 (No Info Superhighway references).
bullet26) Catholic Weekly V54#3053 95MY07
bulleta) Vocation special - A Cyber-friar - Fr Martin on Blackfriars
bullet27) Catholic Weekly V54#3054 95MY14
bulleta) The latest offerings in CD-Roms and modems - Microfax Modems (02 918-3099) - receive and STORE faxes independently of a computer as well as a modem (2400 data/9600 fax - < $250).
bulletb) Data Pump by Diamond Technologies - low end good value for $, high end includes voice modem (answering machine capabilities).
bulletc) Similarly - Netcomm.
bulletd) High speed modems + new software allows speaking over Internet for less $.
bullet28) Catholic Weekly V54#3055 95MY21
bulleta) Windows '95 - Microsoft Network (locally On Australia) vs Internet, security vs open ended, local vs overseas content.
bullet29) Catholic Weekly V54#3056 95MY28 (Currently misplaced)
bullet30) Catholic Weekly V54#3057 95JN04
bulleta) Parishes move into cyberspace - 3 pts of technology - 1) relief of administrative burdens, 2) inter-parish networking and efficient delivery of educational and ministry training - The Catholic Messenger - Devenport Iowa, USA.
bulletb) Information overload as more info becomes available on the WWW.
bulletc) British Labour Party LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help
bulletd) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Oxford UK publishers
bullete) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Christie's Fine Art Auctioneers LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can help.
bulletf) English sites in Tokyo Japan
bulletg) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Classical Music on the Net Austin TX, USA.
bulleth) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Global Encyclopedia Seattle WA, USA.
bulleti) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Windows 95 Info Page, Duxbury MA, USA.
bulletj) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Internet Commerce/Multimedia News Jamesburg NJ, USA.
bulletk) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !News about China Hong Kong.
bulletl) Goethe-Institut Munich, Germany.
bulletm) DisasterNet Phoenix AZ, USA.
bulletn) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Cannes.on.Cyber Tokyo, Japan.
bulleto) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Citizen Kane Art Gallery SanDiego CA, USA.
bulletp) Catalogue of Persian/Iranian cultural books (in English)
bulletq) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !The Market Research Centre Glendale CA, USA.
bulletr) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Miami-Dade Community College English Dept. Miami FL, USA.
bullets) Monterey Bay Properties Santa Cruz CA, USA.
bullett) Movieweb West Los Angeles CA, USA.
bulletu) The Open University Orlando FL, USA.
bulletv) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !So You Wanna Be a Screenwriter ? Portland OR, USA.
bulletw) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Stanford Uni Election on the Web Stanford CA, USA.
bulletx) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Wonderful World of Chiropractic,Tallahassee FL, USA.
bullety) Caution - Road Closed Ahead !WWWChess 1.0, Research Triangle Park NC, USA
bullet31) Catholic Weekly V54#3058 95JN11
bulleta) What can Internet offer ? & How do I get on ? means What sort of services am I really interested in ?
bulletb) Mostly only e-mail - Dialix (02 948-6995) $0.01/min & $0.01/kilobyte (KB) sent.
bulletc) Graphics, pictures & sound - Oz-Email (02 437-5500) $25.00 startup, $0/mo, $10.00/hr (7am-6pm) and $5.00 overnight, special $40.00/mo with restrictions.
bulletd) Difficult to get online with Magnadata - soon to be fixed with 12 more modems.
bullete) Access One - $38.00/mo to 40 hrs/mo max 10hrs/week.
bulletf) AUSNET (02 241-5888) $40.00/mo for 40 hrs - but only 1hr/day !!
bulletg) Not overseas modems !
bullet32) Catholic Weekly V54#3059 95JN18 - Watch this space !

Last update - 24 Jul 2006 18:10:41 +1000 , Hit Counter .    Previous update - 95JN14, 99MR23, 2001JA02