| 1) Catholic Weekly V53#3028 94NV09
| a) Next Online - Service by Rolling Stone mag publishers w/ music & video tracks
online. |
| b) Catholic Uni of America - databank with full text papal encyclicals & info on
religious orders & other church bodies. |
| c) CRnet - Catholic Resource Network includes on-line Catholic encyclopedia. |
| d) Internet Yellow pages - 450 pgs of Internet addresses. |
| 2) Catholic Weekly V53#3029 94NV16
| a) Ozemail browser = Terrazzo from #3034) - Dialix - Next Online - Magnadata
(ftp.magnadata.com.au from #3032)- Microplex - Pegasus - (Microsoft in future w/ Windows
95 & Microsoft Internet Connection from #3034). |
| b) The author of the Catholic Weekly articles - William
West - feel free to contact by E-mail. |
| 3) Catholic Weekly V53#3030 94NV23
| 4) Catholic Weekly V53#3031 94NV30
| a) Electronic Newsstand (Gopher) = USA Today - The Economist. |
| b) Unnamed service provides The New Republic - The New Yorker |
| c) Commercial News Service
The Gate = San Francisco Chronicle & SF Examiner. |
| d) Others - Daily News Online (Halifax) & The Detroit Free Press & GT Online
(Colorado) & Gazeta On-line (Gazeta Wyborcza - Warsaw) & St Petersburg Press
(Russia). |
| e) Clarinet services (clari) on many subjects |
| f) Nexus gives AAP database access to stories from past 2 years up to last 24 hours. |
| g) Sydney Morning Herald is qtrly on CDROM & daily online through Reuters. |
| 5) Catholic Weekly V53#3032 94DC07
| a) NON-NET RELATED - The Threshold of Hope - John Paul II & Jonathan
Cape - London 94 - hc 224pp $19.95. |
| b) NON-NET RELATED - Prayers and devotions from Pope John Paul II -
Viking/Penguin hc 466pp $19.95. |
| c) Lynx = text only for WWW w/ return on word image option to save to local file (to
host then copy to PC need local view s/w). |
| d) Netscape uses PPP (Point to Point) or SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol). |
| e) Chameleon has image access while on line. |
| 6) Catholic Weekly V53#3033 94DC14 (was to be last of 6 re: Info Superhighway)
| a) Fine Art Forum Online
| b) The Gallery
contains graphics & 3D images LINK
ERROR - Send mail if you can help. |
| c) Australian National Uni - Art history LINK
ERROR - Send mail if you can help. |
| d) ArtSource on art & architecture & points to
many others. |
| e) lib2.fisher.su.oz.au (Uni Syd Fisher Library Telnet address - use - login - user-id -
library2 - pwd - RETURN & Welcome - RETURN for library catalogue service - w/ search
ability). |
| 7) Catholic Weekly V53#3034 94DC21
| a) Modems = Avtec - Maestro - Banksia - Netcomm AutoModem E11f 28.8 $650. |
| b) Browser built into Warp (OS/2). |
| c) W West there is a Font Size = 2 as default in netscape.ini vs IBM supposed better. |
| 8) Catholic Weekly V53#3035 94DC28 (no Info Superhighway article). |
| 9) Catholic Weekly V54#3036 95JA04
| 10) Catholic Weekly V54#3037 95JA11 (MacKillop special, no Info Superhighway references) |
| 11) Catholic Weekly V54#3038 95JA18
| a) Recap of previous articles and some comments on developments for 1995 |
| 12) Catholic Weekly V54#3039 95JA25 (Papal visit review, no Info Superhighway
references) |
| 13) Catholic Weekly V54#3040 95FB05
| a) Ausnet - Instant Internet Access - Disk at Newsagents $9.95 (not where STD charges
apply) 02 241-5888 $40 reg, $40/mo for 1 hour per day (=$1.30/hour) more hours at $10/hr |
| b) Geko.Com - $30/mo 20MB download, more at $1/MB (if not more than 1MB download/hour
effective rate = > $1.00/hr 02 968-4333. |
| c) Magnadata 02 264-7326 $40/mo includes 20MB of download and no online time limit, good
support. |
| d) Oz-Email $8.00/hr biz hours, $5.00/hr after 6pm 02 437-5500, good support. |
| e) Nexus text only for schools limit 2400 bps $6.00/hr peak + Austpac (about $6.00/hr),
off peak $8/hr for each, 08 243-5606. |
| f) Pegasus $95 rego, $25/mo includes 2hrs access, more at $6.00hr, Austpac available,
specials for schools, 008 81-2812. |
| g) Dialix $0 reg, $0.60/hr, $0.01/KB download, text only, needs Unix knowledge, sluggish
02 948-6995. |
| h) Microplex text = $0.65/hr, full Internet = $3.50/hr 02 888-3685. |
| 14) Catholic Weekly V54#3041 95FB12
| a) Modems 28,800 $499, 14,400 $299, 9600 as for 14,400. |
| b) Modem Super Store, Concord 02 743-1144 (corrected from #3044), Mark Kofahl - Director
of Marketing |
| c) V.fast vs V.34, compression, error correction, speed vs needs. |
| 15) Catholic Weekly V54#3042 95FB19
| 16) Catholic Weekly V54#3043 95FB26 (MacKillop souvenir edition - no Info Superhighway
references). |
| 17) Catholic Weekly V54#3044 95MR05
| a) Joint Venture - Reed Books & Oz-Email (Ednet)
Discussion of Abortion with bookmarks to both
pro-life and pro-abortion discussions and online version of Pope Paul VI's encyclical
Humanae Vitae. |
| b) Lifelinks LINK ERROR - Send
mail if you can help. |
| c) Prolife news LINK ERROR - Send
mail if you can help. |
| 18) Catholic Weekly V54#3045 95MR12 (No Info Superhighway references). |
| 19) Catholic Weekly V54#3046 95MR19
| a) European Particle Physics Laboratory (WWW developers) - Was "
http://info.cern.ch" now =
Virtual Library -
CERN (surprising to find lots of novel & non-fiction by Catholic writers and
official Church documents). |
| b) Soon US Catholic Resource Network (CRnet). |
| c) For searching
| d) Mail to author of Catholic Weekly article - William West - west@ozemail.com.au. |
| 20) Catholic Weekly V54#3047 95MR26
| a) Program to restrict users to certain destinations on Internet (mainly to avoid
pornography) - refer Ednet / Ozemail. |
| b) Use common sense as you would vet use of TV. |
| c) Best is to give young the sort of formation that will help them use their freedom
wisely. |
| d) Cost vs benefits, widening the gap between rich and poor. |
| 21) Catholic Weekly V54#3048 95AP02
| a) US govt service - Education Research Information Centre (ERIC) - no WWW reference
quoted. |
| b) Reference duplicated in #3046 item (c) net searching |
| 22) Catholic Weekly V54#3049 95AP09
| a) Pope John Paul II's 194 pg encyclical - Evanelium Vitea (The Gospel of Life) - sent
to bishops in Europe & S America via electronic mail on 30 March. |
| b) Discussion of Publishing on the Internet, PPP/SLIP. |
| c) WWW links - behind each highlighted word is a http:// address. |
| d) Time Magazine Australia LINK ERROR - Send mail
if you can help, but also check reference of USA link - #3030 (d). |
| e) HTML - Hypertext Mark-up Language. |
| f) HTML commands written between "<" and ">", eg. letter
"I" = italics and put in front of word or words, with </I> to turn off,
for bold type, hr for insert line, H1, H2, H3 or H4 for headlines of different sizes,
images in ".gif" or ".jpeg" inserted with G SRC=filename. |
| g) Start at http://mosaic.mcom.com. HTML WP addons LINK ERROR - Send mail if you can
help. |
| h) WWW browsers need file extension .html to read as hypertext. |
| i) Embedding a location - HREF=document name/A, eg. with file called timet.html,
HREF="timet.html"School Timetable/A or if in school subdirectory
HREF="school/timet.html"School Timetable/A. |
| 23) Catholic Weekly V54#3050 95AP16
| a) NON-NET RELATED - Video "A Celebration of Mass" Pope John
Paul II in various locations, Martin & Rosenthal Pictures P/L 03 699-6990, Fax 03
699-2205. |
| b) Is Internet same as Email ? - No. |
| c) CompuServe - 1 800 025-240. |
| d) Off Line Email readers - PC Eudora, public domain. |
| e) Anonymous FTP = anonymous at login with Email address at password. When @ in middle,
it is an Email address. |
| f) Catholic Christianity - list = catholic@auvm.american.edu, subscription =
listserv@auvm.american.edu. |
| g) Catholic Doctrine - list = catholic@sartp.gaithersburg.md.us, subscription =
catholic-request@sarto.gaithersburg.md.us. |
| h) Catholic Evangelism - list = catholic-action@cvpnet.chi.il.us, subscription =
catholic-action-request@cvpnet.chi.il.us. |
| i) Catholicism - AnonymousFTP: Address:ftp.spies.com Path:/Library/Religion/Catholic/*,
Gopher: Name: Internet Wiretap Address: wiretap.spies.com Choose:Wiretap Online Library |
Religion | Catholic. |
| 24) Catholic Weekly V54#3051 95AP23
| 25) Catholic Weekly V54#3052 95AP30 (No Info Superhighway references). |
| 26) Catholic Weekly V54#3053 95MY07
| a) Vocation special - A Cyber-friar - Fr Martin on
| 27) Catholic Weekly V54#3054 95MY14
| a) The latest offerings in CD-Roms and modems - Microfax Modems (02 918-3099) - receive
and STORE faxes independently of a computer as well as a modem (2400 data/9600 fax - <
$250). |
| b) Data Pump by Diamond Technologies - low end good value for $, high end includes voice
modem (answering machine capabilities). |
| c) Similarly - Netcomm. |
| d) High speed modems + new software allows speaking over Internet for less $. |
| 28) Catholic Weekly V54#3055 95MY21
| a) Windows '95 - Microsoft Network (locally On Australia) vs Internet, security vs open
ended, local vs overseas content. |
| 29) Catholic Weekly V54#3056 95MY28 (Currently misplaced) |
| 30) Catholic Weekly V54#3057 95JN04