Caution !  Some links no longer valid and marked withRoad Closed Ahead.

Miscellaneous WWW and info references picked up from various sources. Sources given where known.

  1. Dataquest (Technology Research Firm). : Source - personal
  2. Netscape requires a mail server set in the options menu - for PEGASUS users, this would be : Source - peg.internet conference (private on PEGASUS).
  3. PEGASUS now has a NNTP server for USENET conferences. Address is or Point NNTP news software to the aforementioned address : Source - peg.internet conference (private on PEGASUS).
  4. Russ Jones, the Digital Equipment Corporation program manager for the Internet recommends checking out the following -
    bullet Digital's Web server
    bulletVirtual Tourist
    bulletCaution - Road Closed Ahead !Global Network Navigator
    bullet: Source - personal
    bulletDECUS Library moving to the Internet.
    bulletThe DECUS (US) Web Server will soon become the new home of the DECUS Library. While several DECUS Library programs are currently available on the Web, the Chapter (US) is accelerating plans to transfer the majority of Library offerings onto the server. This will allow readers to pull down files for their own use, all for the cost of their Internet connection. In addition to electronic access, customers may continue to purchase both current and future CD ROM collections as they become available. Reproduction of Library offerings on other media will be discontinued as of Dec 31 (1995 ?).
    bulletDECUS Local User Group
    bulletOver 50 Local User Groups have been licensed under the new DECUS program. The up-to-date list including LUG Chairperson's address and phone number is available electronically via Gopher: or the World Wide Web - DECUS (US) Web Server
    bullet: Source - personal.
  6. IDG Communications has launched a WWW project called Computerworld Jobs Today as part of its recruitment service. : Source Pg 47 COMPUTERWORLD (Australian) March 31, 1995.
  7. AUSnet Service (Australia 02 241-5888)
    bulletHas removed all volume charges by announcing a flat fee of $40/mo ($20 for students) for AUSnet's home or personal users. According to AUSnet, the company is the only ISP in Australia offering a flat fee for Internet access and has been made possible as its dedicated US link comes out of its testing phase and into production. The company predicts that the removal of fees for downloading data bring an influx of new users to its client list.
    bulletHas become what is believed to be the first ISP in Australia to take a feed of the full set of 11,000 Usenet newsgroups from the Internet.
    bullet: Source - Pg 10, March 1995.
  8. buys Spry in huge Internet Merger.
    bulletSeattle - On hearing that CompuServe had acquired Spry for $US100 million this week, one industry watcher joked: "David Pool is the only man to make money on the Internet so far. Pool is president and founder of Spry, an Internet access software maker. The CompuServe acquisition - which cost roughly $US60 million in stock and almost $US40 million in cash - was easily the Internet industry's largest to date. More significant for users of the CompuServe Information Service will be how the Spry deal affects their ability to access the public Internet.
    bulletCurrently, CompuServe users can send Internet electronic mail, conduct outbound and inbound Telnet sessions, fetch file from the file transfer protocol (FTP) sites and access Usenet newsgroups. But they have not been able to cruise the World Wide Web, which the addition of Spry browser will enable them to do. Within a month, Pool said, CompuServe will begin offering a "one button" download feature from within WinCIM, the Windows client for the CompuServe network. Users will be able to download a Winsock TCP/IP stack and a version of Spry's Web browser. Service pricing for this Internet access will be announced at Internet World in California, mid-April.
    bullet: Source - Pg 18 COMPUTERWORLD (Australian) March 31, 1995.
  9. Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Peter Garriga's (Melbourne Australia) home page
    bulletA small ad for my home page on PEGASUS at the address listed below (see HYPERLINK above). I have found quite a few links to mainly local sites for most of the more common software. Also some links to other sites in the US which have lots of software. I have also set up a page listing Computer-related corporations on the WWW. I think there are over 100 links so far. Have a loo if you are interested, and please feel free to comment back both with suggestions to add something or anything else you'd like to say ...
    bullet: Source - peg.helphints conference (private on PEGASUS).
  10. Short report and photos of the Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Sydney-Canberra X2000 high speed Tilt Train : Source - conference (private on PEGASUS) by Tom Worthington, Canberra. LINK ERROR - (Contact Tom to confirm)
  11. Workshop on E-mail - ROADMAP - subscribe by sending e-mail to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU and contains in the body of mail - SUBSCRIBE ROADMAP <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>. Understand this to be an excellent step by step tutorial of the Internet. : Source - peg.internet conference (private on PEGASUS).
  12. Latest version of Netscape (local to Australia) - thanks to Bruce of PEGASUS support staff. : Source - peg.helphints conference (private on PEGASUS).
  13. Shift-Click on any hot link from within Netscape (V1 and greater) and a file dialogue will pop up and save the object into the file for you. Neat way to "steal" a nice web page or capturing a text file. : Source - peg.internet conference (private on PEGASUS).
  14. Caution - Road Closed Ahead !PATHWORKS (Digital Equipment's networking s/w) troubleshooting guide : Source - personal.
  15. Caution - Road Closed Ahead !Digital (Australia) Customer Support Centre : Source - personal. LINK ERROR - (Contact source to confirm).

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