Listing of churches in the province of PodkarpackieThe details of this first appeared in the Podkarpackie Message Board (see PolandWebGen - Podkarpackie Province - Queries), specifically, message 1113.1.1.2. Many thanks to the author "Dell". The essence is - (remember this was in response to someone looking for particular details) - "To find a listing of churches in the province of Podkarpackie, go to www.teleadreson.com.pl/cgi-bin/ta32.exe [Webmaster's note: Sorry, this link no longer works, so the hyperlink has been removed. If anyone can provide a new link or similar service via a different site, please advise in Feedback and use the "Submit link" category. Many thanks in advance.] Once there, click on the British flag. Then enter 866101 in the SIC field and click on "Select" button across from "Voivodship." A new screen will come up with a list o all the new provinces. Click on the RESET button at the top right corner. This will remove all the check marks on the left. The put a check in the province of Podkarpackie and click on the RETURN button in the upper right corner. This will return you to the opening screen. Go down to the lower right of the screen and click on LIST and then click on SEARCH. Records #001 - 020 will come up. Click on NEXT till you come to the screen #161 - 180. Scrolll down to the last three churches and if you click on the blue button on the left it will bring you more information and you will note these churches are in Lancut. I believe the churches for that area continue on the next page listing #181 - 200. If you then continue to click on NEXT up to #221 - 240 and #241 - 260 you will find churches for Lezajsk. The FHL may have the old records for these churches. Or you can write to them direct. There is a letter writing guide on the PGSA web site www.pgsa.org and on the Polish Roots site www.polishroots.org." This
page created: 15 January, 2003. Last updated:
04 September, 2007 11:25:36 +1000